Tagged with photo



A new food court with microbrewery: wolf.brussels

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Besides brewing beer, baking bread is definitely a hobby that I am happy to have picked up. This one is fresh out of the oven and made with mostly rye flour, fermenting in stages since yesterday.

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Posting Images from Android to a Static Site


I didn't post this picture because it is in any way interesting in itself, but because I can! From my phone, that is!

Let me back up and tell you why I find that exciting. This site is statically generated and a new blog post is added via a markdown file, re-compiling and uploading. This means firing up the text editor and some quick command-line actions after finishing the writing. This fits me perfectly fine, most of the time.

But when it comes to images, I found always it cumbersome to first download them to my laptop for processing and inclusion in a post. Which is why I finally got around to figuring out how to post them directly from the phone that takes the image.

The centerpice for making this work is Termux which gives you a full Linux-environment on Android devices; it's really really good and can do much more than I describe here. Termux supports the "Share with..." mechanism and allows me to execute a script with the shared file as argument. So I adapted my script that prepares the markdown file and resizes the image for this purpose.

Now when I share an image from my phone with Termux, the following steps happen:

  • The image is saved in Termux.
  • My script is called with the image location.
  • It asks me to enter a title which is used as the post title, the URL-slug and the filenames.
  • The Markdown template with this information, the image link and date/time is prepared, and saved.
  • A text editor is fired up to verify and/or write an extra line in the mardown-file.
  • The image gets resized and renamed accordingly.
  • The files get added and committed to the repository, and pushed to GitHub.
  • Finally, Pelican is told to re-compile the site into HTML, make the smaller inline-version of the image, and upload everything with rsync to my RaspberryPi-server.


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The Fall Of The Rebel Angels


What's not to like about this painting by Bruegel from 1562‽ I've been using it as my desktop background for a while and still discover new details.


What I've been brewing


I might still write these up in more detail here, but I've been documenting some of my recent beers in the German homebrewers forum already, with lots of pictures. So if you are interested in this kind of thing, head over there for my Fruit & Sour Beers and the Norwegian Råøl. The corresponding recipe for the latter is also available here and I uploaded another one for a White IPA with Kveik.

I have been brewing several more beers with different Kveik strains and very much like the fact that they can be dried and thus stored for a long time before using them again.

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2019 is a good year for butterflies, at least in Sweden.





Spending a week in a cabin is fun, but the cross-country skiing itself does not fill the whole day, so there is ample opportunity for board games. The latest additions to our collection are azul and Deep Sea Adventure.




We awoke to -20°C this morning in Bruksvallarna, after spending much of yesterday driving northward to get here. Still, here in the region of Härjedalen we are only in the middle of Sweden, when it comes to it's large north-south extent.

Bruksvallarna is known for cross-country skiing. The tracks were a bit icy today, but the forecast promises fresh snow for tomorrow.
